VScreen files and format
Level description file (.lev)
The level description file contains the different parameters specific to the level definition.The file structure goes as follow:
- 1 Bytes : Engine Version
- 15 Bytes : Level Name
- 4 bytes : X / Y start position of the main character.
- 8 bytes: Name of the .stg file (without extension)
- 8 Bytes: Name of the .sc4 files (without extension)
- 8 bytes: Name of the .tgs/tcs files (without extension)
- 8 bytes: Name of the .mst file (without extension)
- 8 bytes: Name of the .mbm file (without extension)
- 8 bytes: Name of the .mbk file (without extension)
- 8 bytes: Name of the .scr file (without extension)
- 1 Byte: Number of bonus to collect to open the exit door (optional)
- 1 byte: Width of the level (screens)
- 1 byte: Height of the level (screens)
- 1 byte: Main character speed
- 1 byte: Main character jump power
- 1 byte: Main character inertia level
- 1 byte: Trampolines power
- 1 byte: Main character falling speed (gravity)
- 1 byte: Rebound power (when jumping on an enemy)
- 1 byte: Points for collecting a bonus
- 1 byte: Points for killing enemy
- 1 byte: Animation off/on (1/2)
- 1 byte: Parallax off/on (1/2)
- 1 byte: Number of ‘active’ exits then for every active exit:
- 2 bytes: offset address of the exit in the .stg file
- 1 byte: Exit type.
- 8 bytes: Name of the .lev file linked with the exit
Pattern graphics (.sc4)
The .SC4 file contains the tiles GFX, it can be created with the <b> <a href=”tools.htm”>GE5 to SC4 graphic converter</a> for Windows.
The .sc4 files have the following structure:
- 32 Bytes for color palette.
- 2048 bytes for tiles graphic table (256 tiles x 8 bytes).
- 2048 bytes for tiles color table (256 tiles x 8 bytes).
Sprites graphics (.tgs)
The .tgs file contains the sprites GFX.
The Sprites graphics file is 2944 bytes long and correspond to 96 sprites of 16*16.
Vscreen Sprites are always made of 2 layers (3 colors per line with Or’ing). Thus we have in total 48 different sprites in the .tgs file. TGS and TCS files can be created using the MSX2 Sprites Converter for Windows.
Sprite colors (.tcs)
The .tcs file contains the sprites colors.
The sprites colors file is 1472 bytes long and correspond to 96 sprites of 16 rows.
There are 2 layers of colors for every sprite.
The .tcs file must have the same name as the .tgs file.
Stage map file (.stg)
Stage map file contains the map of the level. The file 24384 bytes long and correspond to 256 (width of the level) by 96 (height of the level) blocks.
The file doesn’t contain any header.
Score bar GFX file (.scr)
The .scr file contains a 7 bytes header (“bload” MSX basic header).
The .scr file contains the GFX of the score bar as well as the GFX of the fonts used. I contains 40 lines of screen 5 data.
Music and Sample Kit files (.mbm and .mbk)
The .mbm and .mbk files are music and samplekit files in Moonblaster 1.4 format.
Sound effect file (vscreen.see)
The .see file contains the PSG sound effect in SEE 3.0 format.
Enemies positions files (.mst)
The .mst file contains enemies positions and attributes for movements.
File | Type | Start Address | End Address | Mapper page | Size |
VBIOSBIN.COM | Code | #C000 | #C480 | 0 | 1152 |
VSLOAD.COM | Code | #100 | #980 | 3 | 2176 |
VSCREEN.COM | Code | #FFD (#1000-3) | #7525 | 3 | 6528 |
MBPLAY.COM | Code | #4000 | #4E80 | 5 | 3712 |
.lev | Level file | @leveldata | Max 255 | ||
.tgs | #6500 | 6 | 2176 | ||
.tcs | #6500 | 6 | 1088 | ||
.scr | #5037 | 6 | 5128 | ||
.sc4 | #4000 | 6 | 4128 | ||
.stg | Map data | #4000 | #9FFF | 1 & 2 | Max 24576 |
.mst | Enemies data | #A000 | 1 | Variable | |
MENU.COM | #1000 | 3 | |||
VSCREEN.SEE | #8000 | #9026 | 4 | 4134 | |
.mbk | Moonblaster Sample kit | Audioram | |||
.mbm | #9500 | 4 | 4297 (max 11007) |
VScreen SEE sound effects
File name: Vscreen.see
0 | Jump |
1 | Collect Bonus |
2 | Crack Block |
3 | *Unused* |
4 | Kill Character |
5 | Kill Enemy |
6 | PAUSE |
7 | Start Game / Exit (Menu) |
8 | *Unused* |
9 | Move Up / Down (Menu) |
A | Change Value (Menu) |
B | Collect Power Up |
C | *Unused* |
D | End power up |